And the nominees are... – Phonurgia Nova
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And the nominees are…

And the nominees are…

Our committee of selection is pleased to unveil the list of the 40 authors named for the 2020 festival which will take place in Paris, at the BnF, on 2/3 and 4 October. Chosen from among 305 productions received from 30 countries, these 40 radio and sound creations were selected among the most astonishing of the moment at the international level. They are already audible online by the jury members who can listen to them now – and prepare the arguments they will exchange in front of you, on the spot and online, during the public sessions of this eagerly awaited listening feast. Attention, on 2, 3 and 4 October the entrance is free but the reservation is mandatory, because of the sanitary measures in force that limit the gauge to 100 people. Details to follow.

Congratulations to the authors and to all the participants! At the end of this great marathon of listening and public debates that we invite you to attend, five prizes will be awarded.


    Prize awarded by the SACEM (Association of Composers and music publishers to protect copyright and royalties) // 2 000 €

    In certain folds of the waves, the radio allows us to invent works that could materialise nowhere else. This prize rewards the most innovative works designed specifically to explore the great depths of sound/radio art.

David Christoffel / Le procès du Prince Charmant (RTS, Le Labo, Switzerland)

Manon Prigent / L’oreille aux portes (France Culture, France)

Dominique Petitgand / La question est posée (ARTE Radio, France)

Geoff Bird / Seams (autoproduction, Great Britain)

Udo Moll / Otaku Nation (Deutschlandfunk kultur and SWR Germany)

Mark Vernon / Magneto Mori : Vienna (Kunsradio, ORF, Autria)

José Igès / Voyage immobile (autoproduction, Spain)

Gabriela et Christian Fierbinteanu / Nothingnesslessness (autoproduction, Roumania)



    Prize awarded by the SACD // 2 000 €

    Headphones, loudspeakers, transistors, tuners, geolocation-based listening? For two minutes, one hour or a whole night? Sound fiction renews our relationship with our world and to the people within it.

Benjamin Abitan / Le point sur la carte (France Culture, France)

Florent Barat et Sebastien SchmittDans les creux dangereux ou la louve abimée (Collectif Wow ! Belgium)

Gaël Leiblang / Tu seras un homme papa (ARTE Radio, France)

Thibaut Quinchon, Halima Elkhatabi, Laurence Dompierre-Major / Songe d’une nuit d’hiver (Transistor Media, Canada)

Marie Cavaillès / Beluga (RTBF, Belgium)

Claire Richard & Laure Egoroff / Le Télégraphe céleste (France Culture, France)



    Prize « Human word archives » awarded by the BnF // 1 000 €

    Exploring the human with sound. Making the human voice “alive and speaking”. This was what the pioneers of recording wanted to promote. In the light of this dream, this documentary prize crowns the works that testify to human experience.

Matthieu Cornélis / Ainsi brâment-ils (Otuscops, ACSR, Belgium)

Julien Baroghel / De rue et d’amour (autoproduction, France)

Glenn Besnard / Premiers mots (France Culture, France)

Clara Alloing / L’été derrière ma fenêtre (autoproduction, Switzerland)

Sophia Marcheslin / Le devoir des paysannes (autoproduction, France)

Mathilde Guermonprez / C’est confiné (ARTE Radio, France)

Guillaume Voisin / Melodie per giorno et notte (autoproduction, France)

Aurélia Balboni  et Nicolas François / Frères (autoproduction, Belgique)

Isabelle Cornaz et Didier Rossat / L’esprit de la Datcha (RTS, Switzerland)

Jeanne Debarsy / Après la pluie (Babelfish ASBL, Belgium)



    Prize « Field Recording » awarded by the Museum of Camargue // 1 000 €

    How do we tuned in to the landscapes that we encounter ? What do we hear when we listen them of a new ear? On what premise do we explore territories and those who live within them ?

Mark Ferguson  / Présage (autoproduction, Great Britain)

Nikki Sheth / Mmabolela (autoproduction, Grande Britain)

Fausto Caricato / Pizzo Marina, Estate 2019 (autoproduction, Italia)

Félix Blume  / Amazônia (ARTE Radio, France)

Jürgen SeizewWatch your head (Deutschlandfunk kultur, Germany)

Thibaut Quinchon / Dissociation, Vallée de la Rivière Rouge, juillet 2019 (autoproduction, Canada)

Pablo Sanz / Strange strangers (Czech Radio, République Tchèque)

Yoichi Kamimura / Hyperthermia (autoporduction, Japan)

Marie-Clotilde Chery / Dans les pas des Pygmées (autoproduction, France)



    Prize awarded by Phonurgia Nova to reward the young authors // 500 €

    A new generation seized the power of sound thanks to the arrival of new tools (audio-blogs, free software, podcasting, digital recorders, smartphones) which enabled democratic access. This generation begins its own revolution of listening. To these fascinated young people, Phonurgia Nova reserves a “Pierre Schaeffer Prize“ (in homage to the incomparable sound art and radio pioneer).

Hayley Suviste / Lôka (autoproduction, Great Britain)

Adèle PoissonMa consommation en société (ARTE Radio, France)

Pierre Costard / Pray, wait for the next steps, fight (autoproduction, France)

Orion Benetos / Douad (autoproduction, France)

Johanne Philippe / Chien ailé (autoproduction, France)

Octave BroutardFrançoise, la résonnance de la déraison (autoproduction, France)

Simina OprescuDrăguș – Life in a Romanian Village (Image and sound, Roumanie)


Résidences de création 2021

The following projects are pre-selected for Residencies at the INA GRM, GMEM and Euphonia Marseille:

Benoit Bories  (Au delà des murs),

Mathilde Guermonprez et Bérénice André (Au pays des Vermeilles),

Alexia Senia (Histoire crépue),

Marie-Philippe Joncheray et Amelie Guyot (Déborder l’eau sale),

Floy Krouchi (Sonic Totem),

Nicolas Losson (Le Musée de la nuit),

Claire Frachebourg (pour PUPAE),

Myriam Pruvot (pour Un Opéra modeste).


Radio Performance Award
Initiated in the middle of the Covid19 crisis, created thanks to the partnership of the Centre Wallonie Bruxelles (CWB), this new prize aims to reward works designed for live performamce offering a rich interaction between the antenna and the listeners.For this first edition, it has not met the echo it deserves. The context has probably undermined its launch. By mutual agreement with the CWB, we are renewing it in 2021 where it will be relaunched, in an atmosphere, we hope, more favorable.