In 2017, 175 productions from 19 different countries were entered, and 51 of those were selected. The jury was open to the general public, and its president, Chantal Dumas, underlined that this competition is “a genuine sound art observatory”. All works were welcome as long as they were the expression of a creative approach. During a whole weekend works from all around the world have been presented to a demanding and appreciative audience.
Daniel Capeille
Le Silence sur un fil
43 min, autoproduction (Canada)
Benoît Bories
Une Quête
46 min, co-production RTBF La Première / Faïdos Sonore (France-Belgique)
Fabienne Laumonier
37 min, production ACSR
with support from FACR Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgique)
Daniel Martin-Borret & Marie Lisel
17 min, autoproduction (France)
Louis-Olivier Desmarais
13 min, production with support from the Bourse Gulliver (Canada)
Boris Gobin / Sonia Franco
De l’autre côté du monde
38 min, with support from the Bourse Gulliver
Charo Calvo
45 min, ABC Soundproof Australia
with support from the ACSR and the FACR of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
Davide Tidoni
Le son du bruit blanc
9 min, production ACSR-Empreinte (Italie)
François Pérache & Sabine Zovighian
De guerre en fils
55 min, Arte Radio (France)
Fabrice Osinski
La Tourmente
53 min, CinéSilex (Belgique)
Daniel Blinkhorn
Cradle Caldera
17 min, autoproduction
Félix Blume
7 min, Phaune Radio
François Vaillant
Sous le grand chêne
9 min, autoproduction
Marc Vernon
Lend an ear, leave a word – Audio archeology Volume 1 : Lisbon
21 min, autoproduction
Janko Hanushevsky & Eva Pöpplein
In darkness let me dwell
60 min, Deutschlandfunk
Phonurgia Nova 2017 / GRM de l’INA
Phonurgia Nova 2017 / Euphonia
Phonurgia Nova 2017 / GMVL Lyon
Phonurgia Nova 2017 / SACD
Phonurgia Nova 2017 / Musée de la Camargue
The nominees are
Bastien Lambert, Chloé Despax, Arnaud Leroy, Terri Hron, Marco Lampis, Joachim Glaude, Elina Gakou-Gomba and Marine Angé, Grit Lieder, Anna Granata, Colin Black, Sonia Pastecchia, Karen Werner, Clara Lacombe and Léa Capuano
by Jean-Loup Graton
Director of cultural events of the BnF.
Presentation of the members of the jury.
Reminder of the philosophy of the event
and its vocation.
Alexis Rodolphe Myanmar Melodies
Atanasyan Charlie A journey through the Middle-East
Black Colin One Saturday in a small welsh village
Blinkhorn Daniel Cradle caldera
Blume Félix Fuga – Phaune Radio
Capeille Daniel Le silence sur un fil
Marin Stéphane Serendib rythms
Moxley Alyssa Epiphany
Petit Jérôme Siffler Laos – Arte Radio
Vaillant François Sous le grand chêne
Vernon Marc Lend an ear, leave a word – Audio Archaeology Volume 1: Lisbon
Tirandaz Laura Des étés plus longs que d’autres – La Première – RTBF – Par Ouï-dire
Pesch Carina Wanna play? worlds and 5 blind dates – SWR
Despeignes/Mardirossian Charles-Henri/Gilles Les voix du Mal (Chipe, Merguez, Disco) – France Culture
Martin Borret/Lisel Daniel/Marie Agogies
Carre/Julien Marylène/Jean Baptiste À Cherbourg la mer est bleue quand il fait beau – France Culture
Pascariello Pascale Les braqueurs – Arte Radio
Robiche Claire Un faux prophète – Arte Radio
François Nicolas La sardine et le loup de mer – ACSR
Laumonier Fabienne Bienvenue – ACSR
Gasteau Sylvie Anne de Jongh, la rebelle à la licorne – France Culture
Bories Benoît Une quête – La première – RTBF, FaÏdos Sonore
Oudin Nicolas Porte voix de la disparition – Le labo – RSR
Meursault/Landry Pali/Amélie Les chemins égarés – France Culture
Penitot Aline Nous, pacotilleuses, femmes de vagabondages marins – France Culture
Aigner Florence Les enfants de la poule – Florence Aigner, Polymorfilms et l’atelier Graphoui
Parietti/Langer Caroline/Vanessa Le corps qui sait – Le labo – RSR
Chomel Cabiria Les habitués de la nuit
Flacon Marie Fini de jouer – Arte Radio
Cousseau Jeanne Si je rêve, prends garde à toi – ACSR Empreinte
Desmarais Louis Olivier Abbaye
Herrmann Mitchell Nicosia
Gobin/Franco Boris/Sonia De l’autre côté du monde
Butzmann Frieder Die schrecklichhsten Stimmen – The most terrible voices – SWR
Calvo Charo Qualia – ABC Soundproof Australia
Hanushevsky/Poepplein Janko/Eva In darkness let me dwell – Deutschlandfunk
Jacquot Nicolas Lames de fonds
Madan/Friz Emmanuel/Anna The Joy channel
Naylor Steven Rivers
Peters/Peregrine Sarah/Andrews Ed Balls’ dream diner party
Tidoni Davide Le son du bruit blanc – ACSR Empreinte
Toulemonde Olivier Comment dire
Von Reusner Clemens Definierte Lastbedingung
Abitan Benjamin La préhistoire du futur – France Culture
Debarsy/Lagadec Jeanne/Maël La première fois que je suis devenue fou(le) – BabelFish asbl et ACSR
Dicenaire Sebastian John Haute Fidélité
Matyn-Wallecan/Boute Vincent/Antoine Télé Banque Hypnose – Radio Panik
Merlin Jean Paul Faits divers
Osinski Fabrice La Tourmente – CinéSilex
Perache/Zovighian François/Sabine De guerre en fils – Arte Radio
Ray Sandrine La tragédie du bonheur
In the presence of the President of the BnF,
Mme Laurence Engels (subject to availability)
I’m an essayist, an art critic, and a National Art Schools Professor. I have published Planète sonores, radiophonie, arts, cinema (Monografik), Journal audiobiographique, radiophonie, arts, cinema (Nouvelles Éditions Scala, 2016) and recently, Les Arts sonores (Transonic, Charleroi).
After musical studies in the class of Pierre Schaeffer at the CNSM, I entered as a radio Producer at France Musique and France Culture. I became the assistant of the Director of this station and later managed the communication of Radio France (1977 - 2000). Since 2005, I am responsible for the cultural programming at the BnF.
Musician and sound artist, I compose since the 90s works that are mixing intimate words, bruitists patterns and sound atmospheres. Radio, web, performance or installations, I am interested in all the possibilities offered by acoustic narration. I live and work in Montreal. I received the Phonurgia Nova Awards twice.
Producer for France Culture since 2010 I create documentaries and fictions there. I studied philosophy at the Bauhaus University of Weimar and Dramatic Art in Strasbourg at the TNS. I also work as a translator. I translated Michel Serres, Jacques Derrida, Paul Virilio, Bernard Stiegler and Ferdinand Bruckner.