In 2018, 252 productions from 29 different countries were entered, and 37 of those were selected. The jury was open to the general public, and its two presidents, Pascale Tison and Alessandro Bosetti, underlined that this competition is “a wonderfull sound art observatory”. All works were welcome as long as they were the expression of a creative approach. During a whole weekend works from all around the world have been presented to a demanding and appreciative audience.
Felix Blume
Curupira, bête des bois
35 min, autoproduction (France)
Stephanie Lagarde
All future springs
29 min, autoproduction (France)
Marie Guerin
Même morts nous chantons
54 min, une co-production Deutschlandfunk Kultur / France Culture / Studio for Electroakustiche Musik der Akademie der Kunst
Antoine Richard
Sur la touche
54 min, auto production France
Julia Nanda Bejarano López
Todo suena como los lajaros
11 min, autoproduction (Colombie)
Gerald Wang
Ici, sur le caillou
24 min, autoproduction Belgique
38 min, with support from the Bourse Gulliver
Julien Sarti, Sommeil paradoxal
66 min, autoproduction France
Peter Lenaerts, Phantom Opera
42 min, auto production (Australie)
Alexandre Plank
Demain s’ouvre au pied de biche
43 min, Longueur d’ondes et Oufipo (France)
Marc-Antoine Granier
Total désir
58 min, Création on Air, France Culture (France)
Felix Blume
Curupira, bête des bois
35 min, autoproduction (France)
Julien Sarti
Sommeil Paradoxal
66 min, autoproduction (France)
Peter Lenaerts
Phantom Opera
42 min, (Australie)
Julia Nanda Bejarano López
Todo suena como los lajaros
11 min, autoproduction (Colombie)
Phonurgia Nova 2018 / GRM de l’INA
Phonurgia Nova 2018 / Euphonia
Phonurgia Nova 2018 / GMVL Lyon
Phonurgia Nova 2018 / SACD
Phonurgia Nova 2018 / Musée de la Camargue
The nominees are
Benoît Bories, Richard Kalisz, Léa Chevrier, Anne-Julie Rollet, Claire Laxtague, Aymeric Lepage, Nicolas Losson, Marie-Laurence Rancourt, Marc-Antoine Granier, Fabio Mon, Javier Rojas, Eve-Marie Bouché, Colin Black, Mikael Fernström, Sean Taylor, Claire Richard, Alice Kudlak.
After musical studies in the class of Pierre Schaeffer at the CNSM, I entered as a radio Producer at France Musique and France Culture. I became the assistant of the Director of this station and later managed the communication of Radio France (1977 - 2000). Since 2005, I am responsible for the cultural programming at the BnF.
Music journalist, radio producer and curator. He received the Prix Phonurgia Nova 2005 and the Prix Marulic 2008 for the documentary “Europas Wahn” (with Viktoria Tkaczyk). Since 2009 Gammel has been directing the weekly sound art programme at Deutschlandfunk Kultur, where he took on the role of Head of Radio Art (radio drama and documentary) in 2016. His productions have won the Prix Ars Electronica, the Karl Sczuka Award, and the Prix Phonurgia Nova, among others. He coordinated the EURORADIO Ars Acustica Group since 2013.
Kaye Mortley, born in Australia in 1943, lives in France and is an independent radio producer. Her sophisticated sound features have won many awards, for example Prix Futura (1979, 1983, 1985, 1991) Prix Europa (1998, 2001) and Prix Italia (2005). She is running a lot of radio documentary workshops in France and abroad - notably at the ``université de la radio d'Arles``.
Olivier Kaeppelin is an exhibition curator, art critic and writer, born on April 10, 1949 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He was managing director in charge of programs at France Culture and then advisor to the president of Radio France for cultural programs from 1999 to 2004, Director of Plastic Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Communication from 2004 to 2010, Director of the Maeght Foundation from 2011 to the end of 2017.
Alessandro Bosetti (b. 1973) is an Italian composer, jazz/avant-garde/experimental saxophonist and sound artist, currently based in Marseille. Most of his work delves on the musicality of language and sonorous aspects of voice and verbal communication. Bosetti is a prolific radio artist and he commissioned many hybrid text-sound compositions for Radios in Europe, historical WDR's Studio Akustische Kunst in Cologne and Deutschlandradio Kultur in Berlin, among others