Nominations 2024 – Phonurgia Nova
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Nominations 2024

Nominations 2024

GMEM and Radio Grenouille/Euphonia join forces for the Phonurgia Nova Awards, 29th edition! International competition for radio and sound creation

1 day of meetings, 3 days of listening, 20 hours of creation, 47 sound proposals that reformulate the art of radio, from intimate journalism to global investigations.

The Phonurgia Nova Awards are an observatory of emerging sound creation.

Like a seismograph, they measure the intensity fluctuations of international radio and sound creation. This year again, the participation score is high (336 participants), a sign of the attachment of all (authors, radio stations, collectives and studios), to an event that rewards those who mobilize the resources of the recording to bring listening to incandescence. Whether it is to manifest a commitment, to revisit aesthetics or to document social and human realities, new writings are emerging. This edition takes the measure of the phenomenon and delivers a vast panorama of today’s sound and radiophonic creation.

As in previous editions, the jury will deliberate in public and in the presence of the authors during a 3-day listening marathon.

Each edition takes shape in an abundance of boundless creativity that, under the guise of “radio”, questions the sounds of the world, the liveliness of speech, the thickness of silences. Each time, it’s the promise of embracing the best of contemporary creation. But also the privilege of witnessing, live, the work of the jury – made up of critics, essayists and sound practitioners – as it builds up a prize list, step by step, through inspiring discussions, nourished by multiple discoveries and shared with the public. (…)
– Marc Jacquin

47 productions are in the running for the 5 creation awards (documentary, fiction, field recording, sound art and discoveries Pierre Schaeffer).

Prix Découvertes Pierre Schaeffer (Thursday 14 November, AM) :

This prize is named after the pioneer of radio creation and inventor of concrete music. It rewards authors under 30 years old who question the human and the world with microphones.

Rislane Hakym Schizophonies 39’11, autoproduction (France)

Talia Augustidis Dead Ends 27’31, Falling Tree (Grande Bretagne)

Mathias Guibaud Voies Urbaines : Rue Mespoul 15’01, autoproduction (France)

Léa Paintandre L’arrivée de l’orage dans la région du Sertao 13’30, autoproduction (France)

Lou Millerioux Petite reinette 9’30, autoproduction (Belgique)


Prix Fiction sonore (Thursday 14 November, AM) :

works that, through the detour of fiction, question our myths, feelings and lived contemporary.

Benoît Bories La petite glaneuse de sons 29’22, Editions trois petits points (France)

Sarah Roubato Enfants du même brouillard 55’, Par Ouï-dire with the help of Fonds Gulliver (Belgique)

Olivier Chevillon Bidula, au service de Sa Majesté, 48’28, Tubes à essais with the support of ACSR and FACR Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgique)

Jeanne Garbasi Kranich Intérim Party, 180’, Manufactor ASBL with the support of ACSR, Atelier Graphaoui and FACR Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgique)

Aurélien Bertini J’ai avalé une fumée noire, 36’, autoproduction (France)

Rachel Maisonneuve Cérémonie pour un veau, 29’14, Stim Matter in co-production withe Le Labo RTS (Suisse)

Sophie Berger & Fabrice Melquiot Carton noir, 63’, France Culture (France)

Daniel Martin-Borret AUTO(D)RAMA, 33’33, autoproduction (France)


Prix Field recording / Soundscapes (Friday 15 November, AM) :

Soundscapes captured or invented, which give body, form and matter to the identity of places, ghosts and fantasies that inhabit them

Virgile Loiseau Warwar, 17’40, autoproduction (Belgique)

Dorota Blaszczak Ecotone Richness, 18’20, autoproduction (Pologne)

Yoichi Kamimura The Ecophonic Orchestral Circulation, 18’59, autoproduction (Japon)

Darren Copeland Absent Near Dawn, 27’23, autoproduction (Canada)

Thomas Germanaud Peñaranda Sous la paille après l’orage, 8’11, autoproduction (France)

Pablo Diserens Riparian zone, 9’58, autoproduction (Allemagne)

Delf Maria Hohmann 12:59 at Cape St. Mary’s, 12’59, autoproduction (Canada)

Bariya Delhi Polyphones, 13’08, autoproduction (Inde)


Prix Art sonore (Friday 15 November, PM) :

approaches that dig into the depth of the radio medium, question its devices, interrogate the acoustic boundaries of the world, explore its invisible part and the sound part of silence.

Stefano Giannotti POPULIST RADIO, 53’14, Deutschlandfunk Kultur (Allemagne & Italie)

Nicolas Losson Dans nos jardins se préparent des forêts, 23’06, autoproduction (France)

Juliette Thomas & Lucie Laluque Panoramique d’une flaque, 20’, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles de Paris (Belgique)

Jan Jelinek Korridor, 40’52, SWR2 (Allemagne)

Claire Renard De sa vie restera une onde, 50’, autoproduction (France)

Mark Vernon A Loop Within A Loop, 33’32, autoproduction (Grande Bretagne)

Antje Vowinckel Opdoppling, 41’20, autoproduction (Allemagne)

Werner Cee Vexier, 42’11, Deutschlandfunk Kultur (Allemagne)

Bablador radio 1-7, 49’01, autoproduction (Suisse)

Jon Tjhia Sight Reading, 13’36, Falling Tree (Grande Bretagne)

Christian Fierbinteanu The Political Music Show, 13’05, autoproduction (Belgique)


Prix documentaire «  Archives de la parole »  (Saturday, AM + PM) :

forms that seek to “capture the fire of speech”, encourage the transmission of the “said”.

Sophie Ballmer & Mariannick Bellot L’Héritage, 33’20, Le Labo – RTS (Suisse)

Anne Versailles Ça use les souliers, 43’02, TSIMzoom et LST Namur with the support of ACSR and FACR Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgique)

Julie Peyrat La décision, 51’44, D’une Certaine Gaieté with the support of ACSR and FACR Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgique)

Nastassja Rico & Noé Béal Perpète les oies, 60’, Comme un Lundi asbl with the support of ACSR and FACR Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgique)

Violette Raineri Comment va la voix ?, 26’30, autoproduction (France)

Guillaume Istace Time Rewind, 165’, Prod Axolotl et Par Ouï-dire, with the support of ACSR and FACR Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgique)

Cabiria Chomel La fugue et le canon, 53’19, Le Bruit et la fureur with the support of ACSR and FACR Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgique)

Nils Loret Derrière les dunes, 49’49, autoproduction (France)

Emilie Chaudet Faire taire le silence (Comment Soulef a fait pleurer et parler ma mère), 49’49, L’Expérience, France Culture, réalisation Marie-Laure Ciboulet (France)

Clara Alloing & Noémie Ruben Nuit. Nuit encore, encore nuit, 73’, Earthling Productions (Suisse)

Manon Kleynjans Guadalupe, 50’54’, Brolmakers (Belgique)

Evgenia Rudenko & Alexandre Plank Un point de lumière flou – Ukraine 2022-2024, 55’55, France Culture with Making Waves (France)

Mojca Delač, Saška Rakef Perko, Luka Hvalc Journey at the edge of the night, 51’07, Radio Slovenija (Slovénie)

Thomas Guillaud Bataille et Tahah El Aïssi La Vie comme elle sonne, 11’38, La Balise (Philharmonie de Paris) with the support of Collectif Belladone (France)

Nanna Hauge Kristensen Searching for Butterflies, 27’39, Falling Tree (Grande Bretagne & Danemark)

The entire program

How to get to GMEM – Centre national de création musicale Marseille ?